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Collect Sample
Remove the test swab from the packaging (don’t touch the soft part) and gently insert no more than 2 cm (¾ inch) into the left nostril. Slowly rotate at least 5 times in a circular path. Once done, repeat on the right nostril.

Read the Results
Start a timer for 15 minutes (results should not be read after 30 minutes have elapsed.) If you see a control line but no test line, the result is negative. If there is a control and a test line, the result is positive, and you should consult public health guidelines for next steps. Please note, the result is invalid if there is no control line (even if there is a test line) and the test should be repeated.

Testing of Nasal Sample
Place the swab directly into the buffer vial and rotate the swab vigorously 5 times, then rotate another 5 times while squeezing the side of the buffer vial. Remove the swab while rotating against the buffer vial and squeezing the sides and place the cap onto the vial. Holding the vial with one hand, flick the bottom with the other to mix the solution before slowly turning upside down and adding 3 drops to the sample well.

Vidéo de formation
STATISTIQUES Test d'antigène COVID-19
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Health Canada
WHO - Pre-qualified